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review: Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver

Updated: Jun 14, 2020

Hey everyone!

Today I wanna talk about this book - Vanishing Girls - a little bit.

Vanishing Girls is a mystery/thriller by Lauren Oliver. But you don't know it's a thriller at the beginning. Oh, boy.

This book is about two sisters, Dara and Nick. They were inseparable, until SOMETHING happened. We do not know what that SOMETHING is, but it creates this whole conflict between them and a few of their friends and family, eventually.

At the beginning, I was like, well, another book about two spoiled girls complaining about everything, especially the town in the middle of nowhere they live in, complaining about high school and boys. Blah blah. Nothing unique or original. But I wanted to read some more books by LO, because I liked Delirium a lot. And... yeah, the beginning was totally as I described it. But then thing started getting weird. Or interesting. Both, to be fair. Then, the ending happened. And I was like... Completely mind-blown. I've seen some reviews saying that it was unoriginal and that for readers focused on thrillers, it was disappointing. But I'm not. Focusing my reading experience on thrillers, that is. And as I said, it was overwhelming. For me, personally.

I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. Because of the ending. Because there was nothing extraordinary, or beautifully written, or just heart-wrenching, or even simply special there besides the conclusion.

I'd recommend this book to you, if you don't mind contemporary mysteries and are in a need for a light read. But you should set your expectations pretty low, to be just. Then, you might like it. But... if you have a big TBR stack of books you know are going to be great, don't waste your time. So many books, so little time.


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I'm an extroverted violinist obsessed with books. And a (large) bunch of fictional characters, shows, films, long-dead classical music composers and fictional couples. Also, English isn't my native language, so I may slip sometimes, sorry for that!

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Theresa Gray in Clockwork Prince

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