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wrap up: February 2021

Hi everybody,

you're reading my second ever wrap up on this blog.

In February, I read a total of 17 books, three of which were extremely short companion novellas. I had one 1-star read and two 5-star reads! Let's get into it.


The first book I read was A Traitor Queen. It is a sequel to A Bridge Kingdom. I talk about it more in my recent post which you can find here! I really enjoyed this book, although the writing wasn't the best, the overall story was great. I gave it 4.5 stars.

Next up I picked up A Heart So Fierce and Broken, the second book in the Cursebreakers trilogy. It was a real disappointment! I absolutely loved the first book and this one just completely shattered my perception of the Cursebreakers world.

Immediately afterwards I read the first five chapters of its sequel, A Vow So Bold and Deadly, that I got an ARC of on NetGalley. And to be honest, it just made me more disappointed. I still haven't finished the book - I'm kind of dreading it, to be honest. But I'll definitely try to do it ASAP, just to get it over with.

After finishing these two, I needed something heartfelt and cute, so I chose Fake It 'Til You Break It by Jenn Nguyen. It's the most adorable contemporary romance ever, I swear. Check out my review here.

I've been trying to read all my ARCs I have sitting on my Kindle - even if it's after the publication date - that I hadn't been able to read on time because I got into such a reading slump. That's why I picked up Reflections on the Sunday Gospel by Pope Francis. The book contains chapters for every single Sunday for the next Church year - kind of like homilies. If you're interested, it comes out in November!

The next book I read was The Shadows Between Us. It's a fantasy romance. I enjoyed it, but at the same time found it to be quite average. My review is here!

And now comes the true star. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you These Violent Delights by a 22-years-old debuting author, Chloe Gong. I talk about it more in-depth in this blog post or in my review.

I couldn't find a better picture, unfortunately, Juliette is Chinese in the book.
Roma and Juliette

(a minute of silence for the greatness of this book)

(permission to proceed)

During my obsessive googling of everything These Violent Delights-related, I found a novella on Chloe Gong's website that is simply called A RomaJuliette Christmas Special - my review is here. Although it's not much of review, to be honest.

Next, I read some Shadowhunters novellas, kind of in preparation for Chain of Iron. First, We Jace You a Clary Christmas - which is a collection of various scenes from TMI that were either cut or are originally from a different POV -, and A Devil Tavern - which is about The Merry Thieves! Really liked both of them.

And now we come to some books I didn't like as much. Oh Lord. So, let's talk about House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas. When I had read it for the first time just after publication date, I absolutely adored it. I even bought a physical copy, and that says a lot with me. Now... wow. I really must have matured or something. After finishing, I quickly and embarrassedly deleted my old review (in which I gushed about the perfection of the book) and pretended it didn't exist. Let's just leave it at that.

After that, I finished A Serious Moonlight - an average contemporary romance that I reviewed here - and A Golden Fury, another ARC I didn't read on time, again - the review is here.

Then, just because I was desperate for something good, I reread The Deal, which is my favourite contemporary romance. It fortunately didn't disappoint and no reviews were deleted.

We are nearing the end of the month and you probably know what I'm gonna talk about next. A Court of Silver Flames, one of my most anticipated reads in 2020. My excitement was slowly dying as we learned more about what the book was going to look like... and it reached its final breath when I started the book. Find my review full of all bad emotions here, because I'm not ready to revisit this book again, probably never will be.

Finally, the last three books! I read all the books that have come out so far of a science-fiction series called The Aunare Chronicles. Here are my reviews for book 1 and 2, book three I got an ARC of, the review is here. To sum it up, though, I won't be continuing with the series. The only reason that I read these in the first place is because of the ARC - I mixed it up with a different book... (If you're laughing at me, I'm laughing with you.)


Well, those are all the book I read in February! Hopefully you found something to read as well... (if you did, let me know!)

See you soon,

Miriam <3

About me


I'm an extroverted violinist obsessed with books. And a (large) bunch of fictional characters, shows, films, long-dead classical music composers and fictional couples. Also, English isn't my native language, so I may slip sometimes, sorry for that!

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We live and breathe words. It was books that kept me from taking my own life after I thought I could never love anyone, never be loved again. It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them.

Theresa Gray in Clockwork Prince

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